Paul Stetson patio and deck pressure washing and cleaning in Jupiter, FL

Pressure Cleaning

Exterior cleaning & pressure washing for Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

At Paul Stetson Tree Trimming and Pressure Cleaning, we understand the value of maintaining a pristine appearance for your property. With our expert pressure washing solutions, we guarantee to breathe new life into your residential or commercial space, enhancing its curb appeal and longevity.

With over 30 years of experience, we’re ready to give your Jupiter/Indiantown/Treasure Coast home or property the clean exterior it deserves. Contact us today for an estimate and let us help you revitalize your property’s shine, and leave a lasting impression. Explore our exterior cleaning services below.

Tree Trimming & Removal

Commercial & residential tree services and hedge installation.

Cedar Shake Roof Cleaning

A low pressure cleaning method to preserve cedar shakes.

Driveway, Walkway, Sidewalk Cleaning

Prevent pitting or permanent staining.

House Washing

Keep your home looking bright and new!

Metal Roof Cleaning

Increase your roof's lifespan.

Patio, Deck, Fence Cleaning

Remove mold and mildew.

The Paul Stetson Advantage

Why Choose Us


Free Estimates

Call today for a free estimate and receive immediate service.


A+ Accredited

We've been a proud A+ rated member since 1993.

AB logo - Accredited business


30+ Years of Experience

With over 30 years of experience, we're ready to assist with any tree removal project.

Client Testimonials

What our Clients say